Researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center working with Tony Cunningham, PhD are conducting a study to better understand how sleep and sleep loss impact how people process emotional information. Please read the information below about the study. Then, you can choose to respond to the questions in this survey to see if you qualify. We will share your contact information with the research team so that they can contact you about next steps for participating in this research study.

Should you choose to join the study, your participation will last for approximately 10 days and involve up to 4 overnight sleep studies. During the study, you may be asked to complete questionnaires and cognitive tests, track your sleep using a wrist tracker or written log, view and rate images varying in different degrees of emotion, and complete tasks in an fMRI scanner to allow us to determine how your brain responds to emotional information after sleep or sleep loss. If you qualify to participate, you may receive up to $1,000.