Changes in Eating Habits
Research Program
Join a compensated University of North Carolina study examining why female reproductive hormones influence binge eating
Chapel Hill, NC
Have Normal Menstrual Cycle
Experience Binge Eating or Overeating
18 - 34 Years Old
Fast Facts
About this research study:
Researchers are looking for women who experience binge eating to participate in a research study examining why female reproductive hormones influence your eating behaviors.
Do you feel like you are unable to stop yourself from eating? You are not alone. Today, binge eating disorder impacts roughly 2.8 million adults in the United States. Binge eating can have a significant impact on all aspects of a your life, including physical, emotional and social.

The goal of this UNC research team is to learn how and why female reproductive hormones (e.g., estrogen) influence eating behaviors in women who experience binge eating. Your participation could lead to a change in your eating habits and help women across the world.
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