Research Study for
An Innovative Vaccine
Healthy Adults can join a University of Pennsylvania research program investigating ways to prevent HIV.
Philadelphia, PA
Compensation is Provided
Healthy Adults
18 - 50 Years Old
Fast Facts
About this research study
Researches are developing a new vaccine that enables the body's immune system to adapt to the appearance of HIV proteins and prevent spread of the disease.
There are an estimated 38 million cases of HIV in the world today and the disease has claimed the lives of over 33 million people worldwide. Many populations around the globe are still at risk based on where they live and their ethnic group, gender, and age range. New HIV research is critical to the prevention of this disease.

Research at University of Pennsylvania are studying vaccines that are made from two parts: a protein and an adjuvant. Adjuvants are substances that help the immune system respond better. In this study, researchers will test one protein with different adjuvants. The study vaccines are not made from HIV and cannot give you HIV.
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