Help further research on Alzheimer's Disease by joining a research study run by Florida International University investigating how sleep affects thinking and behavior in African-American adults.
Alzheimer's Disease
Research Study
Help further research on Alzheimer's Disease by joining a research study run by Florida International University investigating how sleep affects thinking and behavior in African-American adults.
Alzheimer's Disease
Research Study
Facts About Our Study
Understanding The Link Between Adversity, Sleep, And Cognition
Among African-American Adults
You Must Have A Parent and/or Siblings Diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease
You Are 40 to 60 Years of Age
You Have A Prior Experience of Child Adversity and/or Trauma as an Adult
Our Research is Conducted Remotely
About Our Research Study
Researchers are investigating the relationship between trauma, sleep, and cognition in African-American adults who have first-degree relatives diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.
African-Americans are disproportionately affected by health disparities related to sleep, trauma, and late-life cognitive decline. Traumatic experiences can cause sleep difficulties which lead to brain-related issues, like Alzheimer’s disease. Studies examining the effect of trauma on sleep and the downstream effect on cognition in African-American adults are extremely limited.

Researchers hope their findings will help to better understand how Alzheimer’s disease develops and impacts people, especially those more at risk, like African-Americans. This study will explore the relationship between trauma, sleep, and cognition among African-American adults who have first-degree relatives diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.
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